Monday, July 6, 2009

Monday Morning Madness

Monday morning after a long weekend is like Chem Lab 101 at my house.
Throw together four different people, mix, add water, a little heat, let the smoke clear and walla – we have two happy morning people excited about a new week and two sleepy heads dreading the morning.

This morning I got up, looked at my marathon finishers’ medal hanging from my dresser mirror and thought, “I didn’t get that sleeping in.”

So I was up and running, literally, along with my beloved sleepy head who didn’t say much through our “quick” 40-minute morning run.

Our son jumped into the morning with similar gusto. He is starting a week-long soccer camp today and was excited about doing it without his sister.

He was animated at breakfast, thanking God for creating the world, including Africa, America and Italy as well as the core, crust and mantle.

But my daughter arrived at breakfast looking like a fluffy bunny with sleepy eyes, complaining about the cold morning air, scowling at the Cheerios. She just went back to bed for a mid-morning nap.

Aren’t genetics great?

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