Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lost Opportunities

I had a funny conversation with my 11-year-old daughter tonight.

I was being characteristically silly, singing, but really hamming it up.

My daughter looked at me curiously.

"Mom, if you practiced, I bet you could be a really good singer. If you were younger, you could be like a Real Singer…like a rock star."

I thought, “Oh goodie, like Hannah Montana?”

But I just said, "Really?"

Then she dashed my dreams.

"Yeah, but people in their 30s can’t be rock stars because they can’t sing cool lyrics. You know .."

That’s too bad.

She was laughing, but still trying.

"Well, if you were a teenager you could be cool."

I had to level it with her.

I wasn’t cool, when I was a teenager. I was too busy trying to be REAL to be cool.

"Oh…Then I guess you missed your chance."


  1. HAHA that is REALLY funny.

    You are cool Theresa!

  2. Being to busy to be REAL means your totally cool...
